The new PicoScope beta release, 6.13, adds Modbus RTU and ASCII to its growing list of serial decoders. Modbus is used in industrial automation to communicate with programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
PicoScope 6 now supports a total of 18 serial protocols and is the only oscilloscope that can decode Modbus.
You can use PicoScope to decode data from a serial bus such as CAN bus. Unlike a conventional bus analyzer, PicoScope lets you see the high-resolution electrical waveform at the same time as the data. RS232/UART and SPI formats added to serial decoding mode
The PicoScope 3000 range of PC oscilloscopes offer a level of performance that exceeds any other PC oscilloscope currently manufactured by Pico or our competitors.
Oscilloscope Specifications
50 MHz
100 MHz
200 MHz
Sampling rate
(repetitive signals)
2.5 GS/s
5 GS/s
10 GS/s
Sampling rate
(single shot)
50 MS/s
100 MS/s
200 MS/s (single channel)
100 MS/s (dual channel)
2 Ext trigger
Oscilloscope timebases
5 ns/div to 50 s/div
2 ns/div to 50 s/div
1 ns/div to 50 s/div
Timebase accuracy
50 ppm
50 ppm
50 ppm
Spectrum ranges
0 to 25 MHz
0 to 50 MHz
0 to 100 MHz
Dynamic range
50 dB
Signal generator
Fixed 1 KHz square wave
Fixed amplitude, Variable frequency sine/square/triangle wave with single/dual slope sweep options.
Maximum frequency 1 MHz.
Trigger modes
Free Run, Auto, Repeat, Single and Save To Disk On Trigger
Pre/post trigger
-100% to 100%
Buffer size
256 KB
512 KB
1 MB
8 bits
10 mV to 2 V/div
Input impedance
1 MΩ
Overload protection
±100 V (signal input)
±30 V (signal generator / external trigger)
±50 V (between grounds)
PC connection
USB 2.0 (USB 1.1 compatible)
Power supply
from USB port*
140 x 190 x 45 mm
Supplied software
PicoScope (oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, meter), PicoLog (data logger), Driver and examples (C, Delphi and Visual Basic, Labview, Agilent VEE6.1 and Excel.)
Software is supplied on CD and is compatible with Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
* In normal operation the PicoScope 320x is powered either from a USB port on your computer or from a powered hub. It is not possible to power this device from an un-powered USB hub. If both the PC and the device under test are referenced to the same ground (earth) then noise/offset problems may occur. This problem is only likely to occur when using a mains powered desktop PC whilst measuring DC coupled (earth referenced) signals of a small amplitude. If this situation occurs a mains power adaptor (supplied) will have to be used to power the unit.