The Automotive CAN Kit is ideal for diagnosing automotive CAN systems. Each kit provides software, interfaces and cables to allow the user to carry out two major automotive diagnostic tool functions in one kit:
- CAN Bus Analysis (send / receive CAN messages, detect error frames, record/playback CAN data, measure bus loading and other statistics)
- On Board Diagnostics (OBD) Scan Tool allowing viewing of OBD data such as Mode 1 parameters (e.g. engine speed) and reading/clearing DTCs (Modes 3 and 4) as would be able with a scan tool.
Kit Advantages are:
- Easy connection to vehicle OBD connector using cables supplied
- Functionality of many tool types all in one tool which means you can easily cross relate information and understand faults like you can in no other tool
- Save data for later viewing
- Set up projects for different vehicles that you deal with
X-Analyser 3 - CAN and LIN Analyser - Pricing
- X-Analyser Standard Edition -
- X-Analyser Professional Edition -
CAN Kits
- CAN/OBD Training Kit - Includes X-Analyser Standard, Kvaser Interface, Kit Bag, USB Key, Training Notes, XA-3 installer, Kvaser Drivers and Getting Started Doc, ECU Simulator and OBD Cable. Find out more.....
- CAN Scope Kit - Includes X-Analyser Standard, Kvaser Leaf Light, PicoScope 2206B, adaptor cables, kit bag and Kvaser Interface, US Key(x-A 3 installer, Kvaser drivers, Getting Started Doc).
Graphical User Interface for Touchscreen
X-Analyser has a new and intuitive design for modern PCs and tablets which includes touchscreen features such as pinch zooming similar to those used in modern mobile phones. Therefore X-Analyser is good for use in-vehicle, harsh environment work as well as your desktop or laboratory.
Today many laptops have touch screen capability and also there are a large number of Windows tablets available. X-Analyser is the only CAN/LIN bus analysis tool that can be used successfully with touch screen devices based on Windows 8.1 and 10.
X-Analyser has a number of features ideally suited to touch screen devices including putting it into a mode providing larger icons. This makes X-Analyser ideally suited to in-vehicle use providing a more convenient and safer PC when compared to a laptop.
NMEA2000 is the marine protocol based on SAE J1939 29-bit CAN identifier formatting. X-Analyser can help with NMEA2000 development by looking at the 29-bit CAN identifier and breaking it down into the same sub-fields as J1939.
Also a CAN database file is available from Warwick Control upon request that contains the signals of all PGNs that are up to eight bytes in length. The transport protocol support will be available in the future which will allow viewing of PGNs that are greater than 8 bytes.
On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) for Emissions ECUs
X-Analyser can be used for OBD Scan Tool functions based on the OBD Standards (ISO 15031, ISO 15765 and SAE J1979). OBD modules can be set up to perform Mode 1, Mode 3 and Mode 4 Scan Tool functions.
These diagnostics features make X-Analyser the ideal 2-in-1 CAN tool with features for viewing real-time CAN and also for performing standard OBD functions for emissions related ECUs.
OBD Mode 1 – Live Data
X-Analyser can send messages to query any vehicle via the OBD CAN port on which Parameter Identifiers (PIDs) are supported by the vehicle. Once this is done, the PIDs supported can be easily selected via the X-Analyser Signals panel to later display the “Live Data” of these supported PIDs. These functions are accomplished through the X-Analyser’s Object Transmitter functions.
OBD Mode 3– Reading Diagnostic Trouble Codes
X-Analyser can be used for the Scan Tool Mode 3 function Read Current Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) by sending a diagnostic request to emissions ECUs. This is done utilising an Object transmitter message. If any DTCs are active then the DTC values will be reported by X-Analyser.
OBD Mode 4–Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes
X-Analyser can send a standard diagnostic CAN message that commands the emissions related ECUs to clear their DTCs. This is verified by the resending of the Mode 3 message showing the response of no DTCs.
SAE J1939 Support
X-Analyser has support for the J1939 higher layer protocol which is used for in-vehicle networking in truck and bus applications. There are two main areas of support for which you must have the X-Analyser Professional edition; message/signal interpretation and message transmission.
J1939 Message & Signal Interpretation
X-Analyser has the application layer database of Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs) and SPN (Suspect Parameter Number) signals in-built with X-Analyser Professional Edition which amounts to over 4000 signals. Therefore their values can be viewed in the J1939 Messages document when they are received by X-Analyser.
J1939 Message Transmission with Interactive Generator
The Interactive Generator feature of X-Analyser allows the user to enter physical signal values such as engine speed values in RPM and X-Analyser will do all of the calculations for you to produce the data field values of the raw CAN message.
A J1939 CAN database can be obtained from Warwick Control upon request free of charge for X-Analyser customers.