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If you work with sterilization processes, vaccine and blood product transportation or fridge, freezers and culture rooms, or similar areas, you’ll find a variety of Tinytags to aid your health care monitoring. For example if you require the monitoring of medical refrigerator thermometer, Tinytag does a thermometer’s job for you and produces an audio alarm when an unwanted change in temperature occurs.


Fridge, freezers & culture rooms

Fridge, freezers & culture rooms

Tinytags help you maintain correct drugs storage temperatures in freezers and culture rooms.



The Tinytags here enable regulation compliance, equipment checks and all round monitoring in sterilization processes.
Vaccines & blood products transportation

Vaccines & blood products transportation

Tinytags in this section are designed to monitor vital and sensitive consignments in transport.
USA Office

Address: 1480 Gulf Road, Suite 837,
PO Box 1364
Point Roberts, WA 98281

Western Canada - Vancouver BC

Tel:1.800.663.6001 or 1.604.925.6150
Address: 2454 Haywood Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1Y1

Eastern Canada - Markham, Ontario

Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027