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Data Acquisition MSR Loggers WiFi and WLan Software Download
MSR Electronics GmbH's MSR145W2D software for graphical visualization of the measured values transmitted over WiFi WLAN.
This executable demo version illustrates the integration of the MSR145W2D data logger into LabVIEW software. The measured values, transmitted over the WLAN, are prepared by LabVIEW-1 and provided for further processing.
Tel:1.877.902.2979-1.425.223.4311 Fax:1.877.329.4324 Address: 1480 Gulf Road, Suite 837, PO Box 1364 Point Roberts, WA 98281
Tel:1.800.663.6001 or 1.604.925.6150 Fax:1.604.925.6170 Address: 2454 Haywood Ave West Vancouver, BC V7V 1Y1
Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027 Fax:1.877.329.4324