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Attention all
Automotive Scope Users

Pico Automotive Scope software now sports a new Waveform Library browser.
Must own PicoScope to view.
See details here



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Aurora Probability in Northern Canada

Auroral forecast from AuroraWatch.ca


North America Aurora Map from
NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center

Aurora Map - NOAA




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For more information on our complete line of Pico Scopes for Automotive and Motorcycle
diagnostics please go to this link:Automotive Diagnostic Kits   

For other PICO products such as General Purpose Scopes, Data Loggers and other accessories etc please select from the items on the left of this page


EnviroMon Dynamic Web pages
New application software now available which enables the EnviroMon system to display graphical data ‘live' on the web.  Applications range from cold storage warehousing companies that wish to publish their records, to ski resorts that wish to automatically display local weather conditions.
See an example of the waveforms from the Pico Technology building at:


Application notes from the Pico web site
Science experiments from the Pico web site
Electronics Magazine Write Up On The DrDAQ
U.K. Computer Shopper Review of DrDAQ
Test & Measurement World Article on ADC_212
(800k Pdf document)
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PO Box 1364
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Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027