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Attention all
Automotive Scope Users

Pico Automotive Scope software now sports a new Waveform Library browser.
Must own PicoScope to view.
See details here



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LABVIEW Examples
and 3000 DLL

 Converts PC to Oscilloscope (1435 bytes)

US Prices
CDN Prices

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The following examples for Labview are available:

1) Block Mode (all 3000s)
2) Streaming (all 3000s)
3) Fast block mode (3224,3424,3223 and 3423 only)

You will also need the latest dll attached.


Labview .vi Files
paper clip icon
 Filename:  ps3000_labview_examples.zip
 File size:  143.25 KB
 Downloaded:  226 Time (s)

Picoscope 3000 DLL
paper clip icon
 Filename:  ps3000.zip
 File size:  274.67 KB
 Downloaded:  213 Time (s)

USA Office

Address: 1480 Gulf Road, Suite 837,
PO Box 1364
Point Roberts, WA 98281

Western Canada - Vancouver BC

Tel:1.800.663.6001 or 1.604.925.6150
Address: 2454 Haywood Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1Y1

Eastern Canada - Markham, Ontario

Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027