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WPS500x Q & A

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Q: Hi - Can you tell me if the WPS500X can be used for dynamic diesel compression measurements?

A: Hi and many thanks for your question. The WPS500X pressure transducer has the ability to measure cylinder pressure on both gas and diesel engines.

The kit supplied with the WPS500X only includes adapters for gas engines. Should you wish to use the transducer with a diesel engine, at present you would have to source a diesel compression test kit utilising quick couple connectors that you can link to the quick couple Foster connector of the WPS500X pressure transducer.

We are planning to introduce a diesel compression test kit to link the WPS500X pressure transducer to AST or Sykes Pickavant kits, giving access to their wide range of existing diesel fittings.

For measuring dynamic pressures with gas engines, this is fine so long as the combustion is removed from the cylinder (injectors are cut from the cylinder under test). The WPS500X is capable of momentarily measuring the dramatic increase in cylinder pressure from idle speed to WOT (Wide Open Throttle) but not for prolonged periods of time i.e. monitoring. The same applies to diesel engines once you have overcome the adaptor issue.

For any compression measurement using the WPS500X the combustion process must be removed from the cylinder.

NB. The increase in cylinder pressure in either diesel or gas engines must not exceed 500 PSI, and the battery compartment of the WPS500X must never exceed 80 degrees celsius.

Q: What is required to connect to an existing Sykes-Pickavant or AST Diesel Pressure Testing kits/Gauge?

A:  July sees the launch of a range of additional accessories for the WPS500X. The initial 2 kits are adaptor kits to allow the WPS500X to be connected to either “AST” (PP970) or “Sykes-Pickavant” (TA250) compatible families of diesel pressure testing kits in place of your traditional dial gauge.  For technical reasons, the AST kit replaces the existing universal compression hose with a new one whereas the Sykes kit works with the existing universal hose.

 In both cases these kits also include an adaptor to use the WPS500 to replace a dial gauge in coolant, oil pressure and other compatible fluid testing kits as well as the compression adaptor.  Each kit will retail at $129.00


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