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CAN Test Box

can test box


Continuing with our mission to make vehicle diagnostics easier and faster…the new CAN Test Box gives you easy access to the 16 pins of the diagnostic connector that is fitted to all modern vehicles. Depending on the configuration of the vehicle, this may allow you to check power, ground and CAN Bus signal quality. With the test leads supplied you can connect your PicoScope lab scope to the CAN Test Box to monitor signals such as the CAN High and Low. More.....

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TA010 - 20:1 Attenuator



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REPLACEMENT UNIT: TA197 10:1 ATTENUATOR (We are no longer selling the 20:1 as all the newer Auto Scopes are fine with a 10:1 attenuator. If you have the older 4223 or 4423 you will require the 20:1 and suggest you search the web as there are many suppliers providing this item.

The TA010 has been designed to allow fuel injector and primary ignition waveforms to be measured using Pico Oscilloscope products.

The TA010 is a passive 20:1 attenuator. This means that a 20V signal at its input will appear as a 1V signal on the output. As the signal is attenuated, the TA010 allows voltages higher than the -20V input range of the Pico oscilloscope to be measured (see the safety precautions below

The TA010, when used with Pico oscilloscopes provides increased input protection against overloads when working with inductive signals such as injectors and primary ignition. Under no circumstances attempt to use this attenuator to measure secondary ignition (HT) waveforms, the MI074 Secondary Ignition Pickup lead should be used for this purpose.


How to use the 20:1 Attenuator Return to top of page

The TA010 connects in series between the oscilloscope and the test lead (right photograph). The TA010 is only suitable for use with input channel A or B, it is not suitable for use with the external trigger input.

PicoScope can be configured to work with a 20:1 attenuator probe by selecting first the Settings menu and the the Probes menu. Select 20:1 attenuation for the channel the TA010 is plugged into. Attenuator

Safety Precautions

The TA010 is designed for measuring automotive signals such as fuel injector and primary ignition voltages (nominally 6, 12 or 24 volts). This attenuator must not be used to measure mains voltages or other hazardous voltages.

Fuel injector and primary ignition signals contain short duration high voltage spikes "inductive kicks". We therefore recommend the use of two ground connections between the oscilloscope and the vehicle under test. One ground connection is made using the measurement test lead. A second ground lead should be connected between one of the BNC connectors on the oscilloscope and a secure ground point on the vehicle such as the negative terminal of the battery. Misconfiguration and/or failure to follow these warnings may cause damage to the product and/or computer and could cause injury to yourself or others.


Attenuation 20:1
Input Impedance 1.053 Meg ohms
Input capacitance


Bandwidth 100MHz (-3dB)
Max input 300V


All inventory has been sold on the TA010 [PP198] - Sorry!!!


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