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Tinytag Plus LAN Data Loggers


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Tinytag Plus LAN data loggers plug into a network point and send their data via Ethernet connectivity for viewing in the Tinytag Explorer Connect software: the Tinytag Connect central data management feature enables users on a network to have remote access to the data being recorded in their application. Plus LAN loggers can be mixed and matched in a system with Tinytag Plus Radio and Ultra Radio units. They are ideal for use in situations where radio signals may be problematic due to network range or physical obstructions, wherever a convenient network point is available. Loggers in the range record temperature and relative humidity, and also low voltage, current and count inputs, making them ideal for use with third party sensors to record properties such as pressure, flow rates and footfall.


Product Code




Ethernet temperature data logger for use with a thermistor probe -40 to 125°C Requires Thermistor Probe

Ethernet temperature data logger for use with two thermistor probes

-40 to 125°C (x2) Requires Thermistor Probe
Ethernet temperature data logger for use with four thermistor probes
-40 to 125°C (x4)

Very high temperature Ethernet data logger for use with a PT100 probe
-50 to 600°C Requires PT100 Probe

Very high temperature Ethernet data logger for use with two PT100 probes

-50 to 600°C (x2) Requires PT100 Probe

Very low temperature Ethernet data logger for use with a PT1000 probe
-200 to 100°C Requires PT1000 Probe

Very low temperature Ethernet data logger for use with two PT1000 probes
-200 to 100°C (x2) 

Ethernet data logger with temperature and relative humidity probe
-25 to 85°C/0 to 100% RH Includes probe

Ethernet data logger with two temperature and relative humidity probes
-25 to 85°C/0 to 100% RH (x2) Includes probe

Single input voltage data logger with Ethernet connectivity
0 to 2.5V DC

Single input voltage data logger with Ethernet connectivity
0 to 25V DC
TE-4744 Four input voltage data logger with Ethernet connectivity
0 to 25V DC (x4)
Four input voltage data logger with Ethernet connectivity
0 to 2.5V DC (x4)
Single input current data logger with Ethernet connectivity
0 to 20mA DC
Four input current data logger with Ethernet connectivity
0 to 20mA DC (x4)
Single input count data logger with Ethernet connectivity
0 to 32,000n
Four input count data logger with Ethernet connectivity
0 to 32,000n (x4)


USA Office

Address: 1480 Gulf Road, Suite 837,
PO Box 1364
Point Roberts, WA 98281

Western Canada - Vancouver BC

Tel:1.800.663.6001 or 1.604.925.6150
Address: 2454 Haywood Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1Y1

Eastern Canada - Markham, Ontario

Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027