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RS-232 Synchronous
Serial PCI Board
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  • 1 RS-232 serial port
  • Supports BiSync, HDLC and SDLC synchronous protocols
  • Speeds to 600 kbps
  • Programmable baud rate generator
  • SyncDrive and SyncDrive Plus software included
  • 5 year warranty


Synchronous serial connectivity is an appropriate choice when rigorous security and intensive data integrity protocols are required for high-speed serial communication. It is the communication method of choice for a wide variety of military and commercial systems such as satellite monitoring, radar control, GPS systems, flight recorder data transfers, and HF (High Frequency) e-mail systems to name a few.


Quatech's single port RS-232 synchronous serial PCI board supports asynchronous data formats as well as byte-oriented synchronous protocols such as BiSync, and bit-oriented synchronous protocols such as HDLC and SDLC. The card's robust design provides 1024-byte transmit and receive FIFOs, and a SCC with advanced internal functions including on-chip baud rate generators and digital phase-lock loop (DPLL) for recovering data clocking from received data streams.

Quatech's frame-level HDLC and Bisync driver, SyncDrive, is included for Windows 95/98/Me and OS/2. For Windows 2000/XP, SyncDrive Plus, a bit-synchronous SDLC/HDLC driver is also included. Both SyncDrive packages are not application programs themselves, but provide C callable routines and C data structures designed to aid users in the development of their own application software.


USA Office

Address: 1480 Gulf Road, Suite 837,
PO Box 1364
Point Roberts, WA 98281

Western Canada - Vancouver BC

Tel:1.800.663.6001 or 1.604.925.6150
Address: 2454 Haywood Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1Y1

Eastern Canada - Markham, Ontario

Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027