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Environmon Logging Over the Internet

pico-name.GIF (1435 bytes)
The procedure for setting up the EnviroMon system over an IP network can be found in the EnviroMon Help File:

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If you have an IP network of computers, you can connect loggers to
one or more computers and then access them remotely via the
network. You can configure the loggers, monitor current readings
and download stored data via the network using EnviroMon for
To do this, you first install an agent program on each of the remote
computers that will be connected to loggers, then run EnviroMon for
Windows on the local computer. There are currently agents for the
following operating systems:


Windows 3.11
         Windows 95/98/NT/2000
         Linux (Red Hat 5.2/6)
Before starting, you need to find out the network names of the
computers that you wish to connect to. If a computer is called fred,
you can check that the local computer can talk to them by typing in
         ping fred.
To run an agent program on Windows 95, open a DOS box and type
in the following command:


c:\pico\emagnt32.exe -c2 [-i1051] [-b57600]

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-c2 is for COM2. Change the number as appropriate. The
parameters in brackets are optional. The -i option sets the IP port
number: use 1051 unless that clashes with some other service. The
-b option sets the baud rate.
The computer will start the program minimised. If you restore it, it
displays a count of IP messages received and of responses from the
logger. You can use this to identify problems.
To run an agent program on a Windows 95 computer each time it
starts up:

·         Click on Start


·         Select Settings


·         Select Taskbar


·         Select Start Menu programs


·         Select Add


·         Type in the command line c:\pico\emagnt32.exe -c2


·         Click on Next


·         Select the Startup group

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To switch EnviroMon to IP operation:


·         go into the configuration menu (select File then Configuraton)

·         select Equipment


·         change the connection type to IP network


·         Set the IP port number to 1051


·         Enter the name of the computer that the logger is connected to


·         Press OK


You can now use the logger as if it were connected directly to your
Please note that EnviroMon for Windows will request data
continuously from the the logger: this may cause a lot of network
traffic. To reduce this, set the RefreshDelay parameter in envimon.ini.
See the EnviroMon driver help file for technical information about IP
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Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027