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PicoScope Thermocouple Sensors

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PT100 sensors

  Description: Order:

PT100 air probe, fast response, 1 m

The SE017 is a fast-response platinum resistance thermometer probe for measuring air temperature.

PT100 air probe, high temperature, 1 m

The SE018 is a wide temperature range platinum resistance thermometer probe for measuring air temperature. 

PT100 probe, 1/10 DIN accuracy, 2 m

The SE012 is a tenth-DIN high-precision platinum resistance thermometer probe for use when accuracy down to ±0.03 °C is required. 

PT100 probe, general purpose, 2 m

The SE011 is a low-cost platinum resistance thermometer probe that can be used in non-specialized temperature measurements in immersion, air and insertion applications.

PT100 probe, heavy duty insertion, 1 m

The SE016 is a platinum resistance thermometer probe for use in heavy duty insertion applications up to 500 °C. 

PT100 probe, immersion, 1 m

The SE014 is a platinum resistance thermometer probe that can be partially immersed in liquids.

PT100 probe, insertion, 1 m

The SE015 is a platinum resistance thermometer probe for use in insertion applications. 

PT100 probe, low cost, 1 m

The SE019 is a low-cost platinum resistance thermometer probe for use in general applications.

Screw terminal adaptor for PT-104

The PT-104 screw terminal adaptor is an accessory for the PT-104 platinum resistance data logger. The adaptor allows PT100 probes that are not fitted with a mini-DIN connector to be used with the data logger without the need for any soldering.

The adaptor is suitable for use with the following size of wire:
  • 2.5 mm2 solid
  • 1.5 mm2 stranded
  • 14 to 22 AWG

Type K Thermocouple


  Description: Order: 

Thermocouple high-temperature type K exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 1 m

The Type K thermocouple is known as an all-rounder. The temperature measurement range is wide, cost is low and while accuracy is not as precise as a Type T, the accuracy of this Class 1 Type K is ±1.5 °C over the range –40 to 1000 °C.

The new high-temperature glass fiber insulation is suitable for running continuously at 750 °C and the 0.8 mm conductor is suitable for 1000 °C. It makes for a very robust and affordable exposed junction probe ideal for oven temperatures. When it’s fixed in position so that the insulation is not flexed, the probe is more than capable of even higher temperatures: that’s why we give the conductor rating at 1000 °C, which keeps it within the Class 1 tolerance.

Thermocouple high-temperature type K exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 2 m

The Type K thermocouple is known as an all-rounder. The temperature measurement range is wide, cost is low and while accuracy is not as precise as a Type T, the accuracy of this Class 1 Type K is ±1.5 °C over the range –40 to 1000 °C.

The new high-temperature glass fiber insulation is suitable for running continuously at 750 °C and the 0.8 mm conductor is suitable for 1000 °C. It makes for a very robust and affordable exposed junction probe ideal for oven temperatures. When it’s fixed in position so that the insulation is not flexed, the probe is more than capable of even higher temperatures: that’s why we give the conductor rating at 1000 °C, which keeps it within the Class 1 tolerance. 

Thermocouple high-temperature type K exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 3 m

The Type K thermocouple is known as an all-rounder. The temperature measurement range is wide, cost is low and while accuracy is not as precise as a Type T, the accuracy of this Class 1 Type K is ±1.5 °C over the range –40 to 1000 °C.

The new high-temperature glass fiber insulation is suitable for running continuously at 750 °C and the 0.8 mm conductor is suitable for 1000 °C. It makes for a very robust and affordable exposed junction probe ideal for oven temperatures. When it’s fixed in position so that the insulation is not flexed, the probe is more than capable of even higher temperatures: that’s why we give the conductor rating at 1000 °C, which keeps it within the Class 1 tolerance

Thermocouple high-temperature type K exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 5 m

The Type K thermocouple is known as an all-rounder. The temperature measurement range is wide, cost is low and while accuracy is not as precise as a Type T, the accuracy of this Class 1 Type K is ±1.5 °C over the range –40 to 1000 °C.

The new high-temperature glass fiber insulation is suitable for running continuously at 750 °C, and the 0.8 mm conductor is suitable for 1000 °C. It makes for a very robust and affordable exposed junction probe ideal for oven temperatures. When it’s fixed in position so that the insulation is not flexed, the probe is more than capable of even higher temperatures: that’s why we give the conductor rating at 1000 °C, which keeps it within the Class 1 tolerance. 

Thermocouple type K, air, 4.5 mm tip

This thermocouple probe is designed for measuring ambient air temperature.

Thermocouple type K, exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 1 m

The SE001 is an exposed junction thermocouple with fiberglass insulated, 0.3 mm twisted pair conductor. 

Thermocouple type K, exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 2 m

The SE030 is an exposed junction thermocouple with fiberglass insulated, 0.3 mm twisted pair conductor. 

Thermocouple type K, exposed tip, glass fiber insulated, 5 m

The SE031 is an exposed junction thermocouple with glass fiber insulated, 0.3 mm twisted pair conductor. 

Thermocouple type K, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 1 m

The SE000 is an exposed junction thermocouple with PTFE insulated, 0.2 mm twisted pair conductor. 

Thermocouple type K, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 10 m

The SE029 is an exposed junction thermocouple with PTFE insulated, 0.2 mm twisted pair conductor. 

Thermocouple type K, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 2 m

The SE027 is an exposed junction thermocouple with PTFE insulated, 0.2 mm twisted pair conductor

Thermocouple type K, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 3 m

The SE028 is an exposed junction thermocouple with PTFE insulated, 0.2 mm twisted pair conductor. 

Thermocouple type K, insertion, 3.3 mm tip

This thermocouple probe has a sharp point designed for insertion into soft materials.

Thermocouple type K, ribbon surface, 8 mm tip

Ribbon surface thermocouple probes are ideal for metal surfaces due to their minimal heat loss and fast response. 

Type T Thermocouple

  Description: Order: 

Thermocouple type T, 4 mm x 50 mm stainless steel waterproof tip, 10 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that  require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

The SE058 probe has a waterproof silicone rubber jacket and stainless steel tip, making it a highly versatile probe that can be used for full immersion in liquids and semisolids, in fridges and freezers, and for air measurement. Its stainless steel tip makes it a more robust alternative to the exposed junction probes against corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, 4 mm x 50 mm stainless steel waterproof tip, 5 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

The SE057 probe has a waterproof silicone rubber jacket and stainless steel tip, making it a highly versatile probe that can be used for full immersion in liquids and semisolids, in fridges and freezers, and for air measurement. Its stainless steel tip makes it a more robust alternative to the exposed junction probes against corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, 5 x 50 mm stainless steel waterproof tip, 3 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

The SE056 probe has a waterproof silicone rubber jacket and stainless steel tip, making it a highly versatile probe that can be used for full immersion in liquids and semisolids, in fridges and freezers, and for air measurement. Its stainless steel tip makes it a more robust alternative to the exposed junction probes against corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 1 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

Fiberglass insulation offers resistance to hotter temperatures that might otherwise damage PTFE cables.

This probe has an exposed welded tip that offers very fast response and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 10 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

Fiberglass insulation offers resistance to hotter temperatures that might otherwise damage PTFE cables.

This probe has an exposed welded tip that offers a very fast response and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 2 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

Fiberglass insulation offers resistance to hotter temperatures that might otherwise damage PTFE cables.

This probe has an exposed welded tip that offers very fast response and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 3 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

Fiberglass insulation offers resistance to hotter temperatures that might otherwise damage PTFE cables.

This probe has an exposed welded tip that offers very fast response and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, fiberglass insulated, 5 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

Fiberglass insulation offers resistance to hotter temperatures that might otherwise damage PTFE cables.

This probe has an exposed welded tip, which offers very fast response, and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 1 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

PTFE insulation offers resistance to chemicals, oils and fluids, although it has a lower maximum temperature than fiberglass insulated probes.

This probe has an exposed welded tip, which offers very fast response, and are ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 10 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

PTFE insulation offers resistance to chemicals, oils and fluids, although it has a lower maximum temperature than fiberglass insulated probes.

This probe has an exposed welded tip, which offers very fast response, and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 2 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

PTFE insulation offers resistance to chemicals, oils and fluids, although it has a lower maximum temperature than fiberglass insulated probes.

This probe has an exposed welded tip, which offers very fast response, and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 3 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

PTFE insulation offers resistance to chemicals, oils and fluids, although it has a lower maximum temperature than fiberglass insulated probes.

This probe has an exposed welded tip, which offers very fast response, and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.

Thermocouple type T, exposed tip, PTFE insulated, 5 m

Type T thermocouples are a good choice for applications that require higher accuracy than Type K, but they have a narrower temperature measurement range.

PTFE insulation offers resistance to chemicals, oils and fluids, although it has a lower maximum temperature than fiberglass insulated probes.

This probe has an exposed welded tip, which offers very fast response, and is ideal for gas measurements. However, because the alloy tip is unprotected, it should not be used in corrosive or oxidizing liquids.


  Description: Order:

Mounting magnet for TA095

The TA096 mounting magnet is used to securely mount the TA095 IEPE accelerometer to ferrous materials. 

TA095 Single-axis IEPE accelerometer

The TA095 is a single-axis IEPE accelerometer that is suitable for use in a wide range of applications.

Note: The TA095 can be used with any suitable device that provides a constant-current IEPE power source, such as the PicoScope 4224 IEPE.

The TA095 is contained within a kit with order code PP697, which contains a calibration certificate and an introductory guide included.

Mounting the accelerometer can be achieved either using the mounting stud fitted, or by using the optional TA096 mounting magnet available separately.
Three-axis accelerometer and oscilloscope interface

The PP877 is a MEMS-based three-axis accelerometer and oscilloscope interface. It is supplied with 3 short BNC to BNC cables which plug directly into any PicoScope oscilloscope with 3 or more analog channels. High-resolution oscilloscopes such as the PicoScope 4000 Series are recommended to take advantage of their increased sensitivity.
  • ± 5 g measurement range 
  • DC to 350 Hz frequency range
  • Mounting magnet included
  • 3 x BNC to BNC cables included

DrDAQ sensors

  Description: Order:

DrDAQ humidity sensor

The PP163 DrDAQ humidity sensor is designed for the cost-effective measurement of relative humidity. When plugged into one of the external sensor sockets on DrDAQ (using the supplied 3 m cable) readings can be displayed in %RH. The sensor has a response time of 60 seconds and can operate over a 0 to 60 °C temperature range.

DrDAQ oxygen sensor

This galvanic cell sensor measures oxygen in air and connects to the external sensor sockets of the DrDAQ Data Logger using the supplied three-meter lead. Simply plug in the sensor and you are ready to measure.

Unlike previously available oxygen sensors, the DD103 can measure the full 0 to 100% range. This makes it ideal for many chemistry, biology and physics experiments.

DrDAQ pH sensor

Measuring pH using DrDAQ is achieved using the DD011 pH electrode which plugs in to the dedicated BNC connector on the DrDAQ logger. It covers the full 0 to 14 pH range, and its robust epoxy body makes ideal for educational use. The electrode comes complete with a small bottle of storage solution to help prevent it drying out.

Accurate pH measurements require that the temperature of the solution is measured simultaneously. Use with DD100 temperature sensor in conjunction with the DD011 pH electrode.

DrDAQ redox sensor

The DrDAQ redox sensor (also known as an ORP sensor) can measure redox potential in the range of –1500 mV to 1500 mV. Positive readings indicate an oxidizing agent (addition of oxygen), while negative readings indicate a reducing agent (reduction of oxygen).

DrDAQ reed switch

The reed switch sensor can be used to detect the presence of a magnetic field such as from a bar magnet or an electromagnet. Alternatively, a simple external switch can be wired to the internal screw terminals. It has a fast response time of 2 ms so can be used as an alternative to a light gate for timing applications. Other uses include monitoring the amount of time a door is left open or a machine running.

DrDAQ sensor extension cable, 3 m

The EL032 is a replacememt 3 meter (about 10 ft) sensor cable for DrDAQsensors.

DrDAQ temperature sensor

The DD100 is a high-accuracy general-purpose thermistor temperature sensor with a two-meter lead for use with the DrDAQ Data Logger. Suitable for air, surface or liquid measurements.
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