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5 Year Warranty

Terms and condition for Five Year Warranty.
Warranty provided in North America by Interworld (No international shipping charges incurred). 

This warranty applies to certain scopes and is effective from Oct 1, 2009. All Automotive scopes have a two year warranty.

New Picoscope 6 Features Video here..

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Automotive Scope Users

Pico Automotive Scope software now sports a new Waveform Library browser.
Must own PicoScope to view.
See details here



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Advanced Features of PicoScope Sampling Oscilloscopes

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20 GHz bandwidth in a compact USB instrument

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PicoScope 9300

The PicoScope 9300 Series oscilloscopes use triggered sequential sampling to capture high-bandwidth repetitive or clock-derived signals without the expense or jitter of a very high-speed clocked sampling system such as a real-time oscilloscope. The 20 GHz bandwidth allows measurement of 17.5 ps transitions, while the very low sampling jitter enables a time resolution as short as 0.064 ps. The sequential sampling rate of 1 MS/s, unsurpassed by any other sampling oscilloscope, allows the fast building of waveforms, eye diagrams and histograms.

These units occupy very little space on your workbench and are small enough to carry with your laptop for on-site testing, but that’s not all. Instead of using remote probe heads attached to a large bench-top unit, you can now position the scope right next to the device under test. Now all that lies between your scope and the DUT is a short, low-loss coaxial cable!

Everything you need is built into the oscilloscope, with no expensive hardware or software add-ons to worry about.

Triggers and Clock Data Recovery (CDR)

PicoScope 9300 back panel

14 GHz  prescaled trigger

The PicoScope 9300 scopes have a built–in high–frequency trigger with frequency divider. Its trigger bandwidth of up to 14 GHz  allows measurements of microwave components with extremely fast data rates.

100 MHz internal direct trigger

The 9300 scopes are one only model on the market equipped with a built–in internal direct trigger from each channel for signals up to 100 MHz. This full-function trigger also provides level, slope, hysteresis and holdoff controls.

Built–in 11.3 Gb/s Clock Data Recovery (CDR)

To support serial data applications in which the data clock is not available as a trigger, the PicoScope 9302 and 9321 include a clock recovery trigger to regenerate the data clock from the incoming serial data. A divider accessory kit is included to route the signal to both the clock recovery and oscilloscope inputs.

Pattern sync trigger and eye line mode

Pattern sync trigger

The PicoScope 9302 and 9321 can internally generate a pattern sync trigger derived from bit rate, pattern length, and trigger divide ratio. This enables them to build up an eye pattern from any specified bit or group of bits in a sequence.

Eye line mode works with the pattern sync trigger to isolate any one of the 8 posssible paths, called eye lines, that the signal can make through the eye diagram. This allows the instrument to display averaged eye diagrams showing a specified eye line.

Optional 9.5 GHz Optical Input

PicoScope 9300 back panel
Optional 9.5 GHz Optical Input (11.3 Gb/s)

The PicoScope 9321 includes a built-in, precision optical-toelectrical converter. With the converter output routed to one of the scope inputs (optionally through an SMA pulse shaping filter), the PicoScope 9321 can analyze standard optical communications signals such as OC48/STM16, 4.250 Gb/s Fibre Channel and 2xGB Ethernet. The scope can perform eye pattern measurements with automatic measurement of optical parameters including extinction ratio, S/N ratio, eye height and eye width. With its integrated clock recovery module, the scope is usable to 11.3 Gb/s. The converter input accepts both single-mode (SM) and multimode (MM) fibers and has a wavelength range of 750 to 1650 nm.

SMA Bessel-Thomson pulse-shaping filters

filtered outputs

Bessel Thompson Filter

A range of Bessel-Thomson filters is available for standard frequencies. These filters are essential for accurate characterization of signals emerging from an optical transmission system. The first eye pattern, above left, shows the ringing typical of an unequalized O/E converter output at 622 Mb/s. The second eye pattern, above right, shows the result of connecting the 622 Mb/s B-T filter. This is an accurate representation of the signal that an equalized optical receiver would see, enabling the PicoScope 9321 to display correct measurements.


TDR / TDT Analysis

TDR/TDT Analysis
PS9300 Differemtial TDR

The PicoScope 9311 and 9312 scopes include a built-in differential step generator for time domain reflectometry and time domain transmission measurements. This feature can be used to characterize transmission lines, printed circuit traces, connectors and cables with as little as 1.5 cm resolution.

2. The PicoScope 9312 is supplied with external tunnel diode pulse heads that generate positive and negative 200 mV pulses with 40 ps system rise time. The PicoScope 9311 generates large-amplitude differential pulses with 60 ps system rise time directly from its front panel and is suited to TDR/TDT applications where the reflected or transmitted signal is small.

The PicoScope 9300 Series TDR/TDT models include source deskew with 1 ps resoution and comprehensive calibration, reference plane and measurement functions. Voltage, impedance or reflection coefficient (ρ) can be plotted against time or distance.

The PicoScope 9311 and 9312 are supplied with a comprehensive set of calibrated accessories to support your TDR/TDT measurements. These include cables, signal dividers, adaptors, attenuator and reference load and short. See back page for PicoScope 9300 Series ordering details.

9312 with pulse head

Built-in signal generator

Built in Signal Generator

The scope can generate industry-standard or custom signals including clock, pulse and pseudo-random binary sequence. These can be used to test the instrument’s inputs, experiment with its features and verify complex set-ups such as mask tests. AUX OUTPUT can also be configured as a trigger output


Pico Sample3 Software

Designed for ease of use

mathermatical analysis

The PicoSample 3 software reserves as much space as possible for the most important information: your signal. Below that is a selection of the most important buttons. For more complex adjustments, a single mouse-click will display additional menus in left and right side panels. Most controls and numeric entry fields have keyboard shortcuts.

Hardware zoom using the dual timebase is made easy: simply use the mouse to draw a zoom box over a part of the waveform. You can still set up the timebase using manual controls if you prefer

A choice of screen formats

When working with multiple traces, you can display them all on one grid or separate them into two or four grids. You can also plot signals in XY mode with or without additional voltage-time grids. The persistence display modes use color-coding or shading to show statistical variations in the signal.

Measurement of over 100 waveform parameters with statistics


The PicoScope 9300 Series scopes quickly measure well over 100 parameters, so you don’t need to count graticules or estimate the waveform’s position. Up to ten simultaneous measurements or four statistics measurements are possible. The measurements conform to IEEE standard definitions.

A dedicated frequency counter shows signal frequency at all times, regardless of measurement and timebase settings.




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