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   MSR Whitepaper

A well written publication dealing
with most aspects related to acceleration measurement
as it pertains to the
MSR Series of Acceleration
data loggers.

Well worth taking the
time to read this.



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MSR Data Logger measuring g-forces in Formula 1 cars for TV magazine «Pro7MAXX»

Spectacular: MSR165 Data Logger measuring g-forces in Formula 1 cars

For “Evil Science”, the “meanest and toughest knowledge show of all times” according to the German private TV channel Pro7 MAXX, rock star Evil Jared Hasselhoff is confronting the most extreme g-forces. First of all, Jared is fulfilling a man’s dream – riding in a Formula 1 car. This takes place in Europe’s only Formula 1 two-seater, in France. An MSR165 acceleration data logger is used to measure which g-forces occur during this fast ride.

msr datalogger measures g-forces in formula one car

Click on the following link to find out more:

Evil Science, “Das G-Kraft Experiment“, 2016/9/29, on ProSieben MAXX

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