MSR145 dataloggers at the Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station
Today's dairy cows are top athletes that expect to be looked after accordingly. Are they feeling good? Everyone fit? Are the husbandry conditions optimum? To confirm the animals' state of health based on objective facts, the Swiss Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station's agricultural technology arm, together with the MSR team, kitted-out dairy cows with a datalogger. The sealed, indestructible datalogger MSR145 was the model selected for this purpose. The device was attached to the back leg of each animal with its 3-axis accelerometer recording the cow's movements. This approach ensured the animal's activities could be monitored exactly, allowing conclusions to be drawn regarding their state of health, well being and the associated effects on their milk production levels. Evaluation of the data was carried out straightforwardly using a PC.