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WATCHDOG-15 / 15P  &
Watchdog 100/100P Units.




 US Pricelist
CDN Pricelist

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Download the latest firmware for WatchDog-15 and Watchdog 100 units. Each update is a complete firmware image, so there's no need to apply multiple patches in succession to update your unit from an older version to the latest one; just download and install the most-current version.

This firmware supports the following devices:
  • WatchDog 15
  • WatchDog 15-P
  • Watchdog 100
  • Watchdog 100-p

ITwatchdogs was sold to GeistGlobal.com a while ago and is now owned by Vertiv Corporation.

If you are currently running firmware version 3.0 or newer you may obtain an update at this url: Version 3.4 Firmware Download



  • Migration to v3.4.0 is available only for products running v3.0.0 or newer. For products running older firmware, please contact Vertiv Geist Technical Support for upgrade assistance.
  • Once you update firmware to v3.4.0, you may not downgrade to a previous version firmware. Please contact [email protected] for any additional questions.


USA Office

Address: 1480 Gulf Road, Suite 837,
PO Box 1364
Point Roberts, WA 98281

Western Canada - Vancouver BC

Tel:1.800.663.6001 or 1.604.925.6150
Address: 2454 Haywood Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1Y1

Eastern Canada - Markham, Ontario

Tel:1.800.465.0164 or 1.905.513.7027