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   MSR Whitepaper

A well written publication dealing
with most aspects related to acceleration measurement
as it pertains to the
MSR Series of Acceleration
data loggers.

Well worth taking the
time to read this.



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Kvaser CANBus

N/A   NEW! - U100 CAN/CAN FD USB      
Discover the Kvaser U100, a versatile CAN interface designed for seamless connectivity and efficient data communication in automotive applications.
   Intro to Kvaser      
Kvaser Company Information
N/A   Hybrid - CAN_LIN (NEW)      
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Hybrid Pro 2xCAN
   Leaf Series - USB      

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   Memorator Dataloggers      
Kvaser, Memorator, light, pro
   PCI Express      

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N/A   NEW! DIN Rail System      

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   PC104 Plus      
PC104+ Landing Page
N/A   PCI canx      
PCICanx Landing Page
   Mini PCI Express      

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N/A   Ethercan      
landing page for kvaser ethercan light hs and ethercan hs
N/A   NEW! Air Bridge Light      
Kvaser Air Bridge Light HS
N/A   BlackBird      

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   Cable Accessories      

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   PCI104 HS/HS IDC      

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