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 Kontron to ACCES I/O Cross Reference

Acces I/O were the original manufacturer of these Kontron products, this was done for Industrial Computer Source who were bought out by Kontron a few years ago. These Acces numbers are 100% replacements for the Kontron products listed below.
Acces I/O Number Kontron P/N Description
104-AI12-8 104-AD12-8 8-in 12-bit multifunction analog I/O, 8 S.E. or differential analog inputs & 24 digital I/O lines. speeds up to 100KHz, on board pacer clock & counter timers
104-AIO12-8 104-ADIO128 MF 12-bit 8 S.E. or differential analog inputs, 4 Analog Outputs/24 Digital I/O lines, speeds up to 100KHz, on board pacer clock & counter timers
104-AO12-4 104-AOB4/12 12-bit MF AO board 4 analog outputs, 24 D I/O lines, speeds up to 100KHz, on board pacer clock, counter timers
104-COM-8S 104-422/485-8 8-port field selectable RS-422/485 serial communication board
104-COM-8SM 104-COM8/MI 8-port field selectable RS-232/422/485 serial communication board
104-COM-8SM-T 104-COM8/MI-E2 8-port field selectable RS-232/422/485 serial communication board, extended Temperature
104-DIO-24E 104-DIO24 24 digital I/O lines without change of state detection feature
104-DIO-24S 104-DIO24S 24 digital I/O lines with tristate buffers and change of state detection
104-DIO-48E 104-DIO48 48 D I/O lines without change of state detection feature
104-DIO-48S 104-DIO48S 48 D I/O lines, 3-state buffers COS detection
104-DIO-48S-T 104-DIO48S/CT 48 D I/O lines, Ext T, 3-state buffers COS counter/timers
104-ICOM-2S 104-422/485-2I Iso, 2-port, field selectable RS-422/485 serial communication board
104-ICOM-2SX 104-E422/485-2I Iso, 2-port, field selectable RS-422/485 board ext temp
104-IDIO-16 104-DIO32-SS 32 channel16 Iso D In / 16 Solid State Out COS detect
104-II-16 104-16ISO 16 isolated digital inputs only version
104-IIRO-16 104-DIO32-EM 32 channel 16 Iso D In/ 16 Relay out, Change Of State detection
104-IIRO-8E 104-DIO8 24 channel 8 Iso D In, 8 TTL inputs /8 Relay Out COS
104-TBK-50 ADAP50 Universal Screw Terminal connector, 50 pin ACCES PC/104 boards
A1216E ADIO1600 ISA 16ch, 12bit A/D, D/As, I/O
Multiplexed-input (16 S.E. or 8 Diff'l), 12-bit A/D plus one 16-bit and one 32-bit programmable counter, two 12-bit D/A's, 32 digital I/O ports
AD12-16 AIO16-P Multiplexed input (16 single-ended or 8 differential) 12 bit A/D plus one 16 bit and one 32 bit programmable counters two 12 bit D/A's 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs
AD12-16F AIO16F-P High speed version of AD12-16 (100 K samples/sec. capable)
AD12-8 AD12-8 Multiplexed inputs (8 single ended) 12 bit A/D plus one 16 bit and one 32 bit programmable counter and 16 bits digital I/O
AD12-8G AIO8G-P Multiplexed input (8 single ended or 8 differential programmable 12 bit A/D plus 3 16 bit programmable counters 3 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs)
AD8-16 ML16-P Multiplexed input (16 single ended or 8 differential) 8 bit A/D plus 3 16 bit programmable counters two 8 bit D/A's 8 digital inputs & 8 digital outputs
ADAP37 ADAP37 STB, external, DB37F
AIM-16 AT16-P Analog Input Multiplexor, 16 channel:1 & signal conditioning card modified for voltage inputs
AIM-16 S08 AT16-P-01 16 channel analog multiplexer & signal conditioning card with all ADG508 in sockets
AIM-16/PCM AT16-PCM-S Analog Input Multiplexor, 16 channel:1 & signal conditioning card/PCM
AIM-16I AT16I-P Analog Input Multiplexor, 16 channel :1 & signal conditioning card modified for current inputs
AIM-16P AT16DC-P Analog Input Multiplexor, 16:1
AIM-16R/S03 AIM-16R Input & signal conditioning board modified for RTD's, 16 channel analog multiplexer:1
AIO8 AIO8-P Multiplexed input (8 single ended) 12 bit A/D plus 3 16 bit counters, 3 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs
C104-10F-12 C104-10F-12 Cable, Ribbon, Hdr F-F, 10 pin, 12"
C104-40F-D37F CAB-AIDC40/DB37F Cable, Ribbon, Hdr F 40 pin, DB37F, 12"
C104-40F-D9M C104-40F-D9U Cable, Ribbon, Hdr F 40 pin, to 4 DB9M connectors, 12"
C104-D37M/D9M CAB-ADB37P/4DB9P Cable, round, DB37 to 4 DB9Ms
C34FF15DF37 C34FF15DF37 Cable, Ribbon, 34 pin to DB37F, 15"
C34FF30DM37 C34EF30DM37 Cable, Ribbon, 34 pin to DB37M, 30"
C34FF36D37 C34FF36D37 Cable, Ribbon, 34 pin to DB37  , 36"
CA37-1 CA37-1 Cable, DB37, 12''
CA37-2 CA37-2 Cable, DB37, 24"
CAB37-18Y C1800Y Y Cable connecting 2 AIM-16 analog input multiplexers to A/D card, Ribbon, DB37, 18",
CAB37-36 C1801 Cable, Ribbon, DB37, 37 pin, 36"
CAB-37PC CAB-37PC Cable, Ribbon, DB37, ???
CAB50-10 CAB50-10 Cable, Ribbon, 50-pin IDC, F-Edge, 120"
CAB50-6 CAB50-6 Cable, Ribbon, 50-pin IDC, F-Edge, 72"
CAB50F-3 CAB50A-3 Cable, Ribbon, 50-pin IDC, F-F, 36"
CAB50F-6 CAB50A-6 Cable, Ribbon, 50-pin IDC, F-F, 72"
CAB78-37/2 CAB78-37/2F Cable, Round, Y, DB-78 to two DB-37F, 72"
CABPVCDB37FM-25 C2051-25PA-M Cable
CM422F RS422F-P ISA, COM card
COM-2S COM485/2 2 port RS232/422/485 ISA serial , COM card
COM422 RS422AT-P ISA, single port RS-422/485 serial COM card
COM422/485A RS422AT-PA ISA, single port RS-422/485 serial COM card
COM485/8 COM485/8 8 port RS-485 ISA, serial COM card
CONV232/422 CONV422/DB9 Serial Communications Adapter RS-232 to RS-422, 4 wire RS-485
CONV232/422-S01 CONV422/DB9-S01 Serial Data Converter RS-232 to RS-485, grounded for shielding, Ties both DB9s together
CONV232/485 CONV485/DB9 Serial communications adapter RS-232 to RS-485
D/A16-8/S01 AOB8/16 ISA D/A converters 16 bit,   8 ch double buffered with optional DC/DC converter for 10V output ranges
D/A16-16/S01 AOB16/16 ISA D/A converters double buffered 16 bit, 16 ch, optional DC/DC converter for 10V output ranges
DA-06A AOB6-P 6 double buffered 12 bit D/A converters plus 24 bit digital I/O
DA12-8 AOB8/12 8 double buffered 12 bit D/A converters
ICOM-1S ISO-COM485/1 Optically-isolated, single port RS-422/485 serial communications card
ICOM-2S ISO-COM485/2 Optically-isolated, dual port RS-422/485 serial communications card
ICM422 RS422I-P ISA, Optically Isolated 1-Port RS-422/485
ICOM422/485A RS422IA-P or RS422I-PA ISA, Optically Isolated 1-Port RS-422/485
IDI-16A DIO16I/28 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 16 bit, 28V maximum in, no COS
IDI-16AC DIO16SI/28 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 16 bit, 28V maximum in, COS interrupts
IDI-16B DIO16I/60 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 16 bit, 60V maximum in, no COS
IDI-16BC DIO16SI/60 ISA, Isolated Digital Input, 16 bit, 60V maximum in, COS interrupts
IDI-32A DIO32I/28 ISA, Isolated Digital Input, 32 bit, 28V maximum in, no COS
IDI-32AC DIO32SI/28 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 32 bit, 28V maximum in, COS interrupts
IDI-32B DIO32I/60 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 32 bit, 60V maximum in, no COS
IDI-32BC DIO32SI/60 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 32 bit, 60V maximum in, COS interrupts
IDI-48A DIO48I/28 ISA, Isolated Digital Input, 48 bit, 28Vin, no COS
IDI-48AC DIO48SI/28 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 48 bit, 28Vin maximum, COS interrupts
IDI-48B DIO48I/60 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 48 bit, 60Vin maximum, no COS
IDI-48BC DIO48SI/60 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Input, 48 bit, 60Vin maximum, COS interrupts
IDO-16 IDO16 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Output, 16 bit
IDO-32 IDO32 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Output, 32 bit
IDO-48 IDO48 ISA, Isolated Digital parallel Output, 48 bit
IOD-48S DIO48S/AT-P ISA, Isolated buffered Digital I/O card, 48-ch, COS interrupt ability
IOD-48S-S05 DIO48S/AT-P ISA, Isolated Digital I/O, 48-ch no COS
IOD-64-S02 DIO64/S02 ISA, Isolated buffered Digital I/O, 64-ch, 6.8kterm, custom bracket, up to 28V levels with special to terminate data lines
LPCI-COM232-8 PCI-COM232-8ULP Universal PCI, Low profile 8 port RS-232 card, breakout cable
LPCI-COM422/8 PCI-COM422-8ULP Universal PCI, Low profile 8 port RS-422 card, breakout cable
LPCI-COM485/8 PCI-COM485/8L-S or PCI-COM485-8ULP Universal PCI, Low profile 8 port RS-485 card, breakout cable
LPCI-COM-8SM PCI-COM-8-ULP Universal PCI, Low profile 8 port with field selectable RS-232/422/485 card, breakout cable
MBRKT-DIO Backplane Bracket ?
PCI-422/485-2 PCI-422/485-2 Universal PCI, RS-422/485 card, 2 port
PCI-AI12-16 PCI-AI/1216 16-channel Universal PCI card (16 S.E. or 8 differential), 12-bit A/D with counter/timers and DIO
PCI-AI12-16A PCI-AI/1216M 16-channel Universal PCI card (16 S.E. or 8 differential), 12-bit A/D with counter/timers and DIO (includes FIFO data and point list buffers)
PCI-ATX-RISER RISER2U-3PCI PCI ATX riser card with up to 3 right angle riser slots
PCI-COM-1S PCI-RS422 single port Universal PCI RS-232/422/485 card
PCI-COM422/4 PCI-COM422/4 4-port, RS-422 card with breakout cable
PCI-COM422/8 PCI-COM422/8 8-port PCI RS-422 card with breakout cable
PCI-COM485/8 PCI-COM485/8 8-port, PCI RS-485 card with breakout cable
PCI-DA12-16 PCI-AOB16/12 Universal PCI card 16 double buffered ch 12-bit D/A converters, 24 DIO lines and tristate buffers
PCI-DA12-2 PCI-AOB2 Universal PCI card 2 double buffered ch 12-bit D/A converters, 16 DIO lines and tristate buffers
PCI-DA12-4 PCl-AOB4 Universal PCI card 4 double buffered ch 12-bit D/A converters, 16 DIO lines and tristate buffers
PCI-DA12-6 PCI-AOB6 Universal PCI card 6 double buffered ch 12-bit D/A converters, 16 DIO lines and tristate buffers
PCI-DA12-8 PCI-AOB8/12 Universal PCI card 8 double buffered ch 12-bit D/A converters, 24 DIO lines and tristate buffers
PCI-DIO-120 PCI-DIO120 Universal PCI parallel Digital I/O 120-ch
PCI-DIO-24D PCI-DIO24DB Universal PCI, 24-ch parallel Digital I/O DB37 pin connector
PCI-DIO-24D/S02 PCI-DIO24DB/CT 24 channel parallel digital input/output Universal PCI card with 37 pin DB connector and 2 counters
PCI-DIO-24D/S02/208 PCI-DIO24DB/CT01
24 channel parallel digital input/output Universal PCI card with 37 pin DB connector and 2 counters with RN2 to be pulled down to ground
PCI-DIO-24H PCI-DIO24HD Universal PCI parallel Digital I/O 24-ch, 50 pin IDC connector
PCI-DIO-24H/S03 PCI-DIO24HD/CT 24 channel parallel digital input/output Universal PCI card with 50 pin IDC connector and 3 counters
PCI-DIO-24S PCI-DIO24S Universal PCI parallel Digital I/O 24-ch, w/ COS detection
PCI-DIO-48 PCI-DIO48 Universal PCI Digital I/O 48-ch parallel
PCI-DIO-48S PCI-DIO4 8S Universal PCI Digital I/O 48-ch parallel, w/ COS detection
PCI-DIO-72 PCI-DIO72 Universal PCI Digital I/O 72-ch parallel
PCI-DIO-96 PCI-DIO96 Universal PCI card parallel Digital I/O 96-ch
PCI-DIO-96/S03 PCI-DIO96-S03 Universal PCI Digital I/O 96-ch rework to modify interrupt inputs for slow output devices such as OPT022
PCI-ICM-1S PCI-RS422I Isolated, single-port, RS-422/RS-485 Universal PCI card
PCI-ICM-2S PCI-422/485-2I Isolated, dual-port Universal PCI RS-422/485 card
PCI-ICM485/2 PCI-ICOM485/2 Isolated 2 port RS 485 card with breakout cable
PCI-ICM485/4 PCI-ICOM485/4 Isolated, four-port RS-485 card with breakout cable
PCI-IDIO-16 PCI-DIO32-SS Universal PCI 16ch Iso In, 16 FET Digital Out
PCI-IDIO-8 PCI-DIO8 PCI   8ch Iso In, Digital Out
PCI-IIRO-16 PCI-DIO32-EM Universal PCI 16ch Iso Digital In, 16 Relay Outputs
PCI-ISA ECIK-PCI/ISA-1 PCI-ISA bus expansion kit with 1M cable
PCI-ISA6 ECIK-PCI/ISA-2 PCI-ISA bus expansion kit with 2M cable
PCI-WDG-CSM PCI-WDT500 Universal PCI, Watchdog timer card
PCI-WDG-CSM1-4,6 PCI-WDT501 (R is RoHS) Universal PCI, Watchdog timer card, options 1-4, 6
PIOD24 PIOD24 PCMCIA 24-Bit Digital I/O Card
PROTAT PB751-AT PROTO-AT prototype card provides means to develop custom cards for use in ISA bus computers
PTRC-AT 1M ECIK-2000 ISA AT-Bus expansion kit, provides transparent expansion of an ISA bus to a separate chassis with 1M cable
ISA AT-Bus expansion kit, provides transparent expansion of an ISA bus to a separate chassis with 2M cable
RAD128 RSPAD128 12-bit A/D, 8 S.E. Analog Inputs, 7 DI/O, & compatible with ACCES Model AIM-16, LVDT-8, SSH-08 and others.
RAG128 NO T-BOX RAD128 NO T-BOX Board only REMOTE ACCESS 12 bit analog & digital I/O (no T-BOX)
RAG128 T-BOX RAD128 T-BOX REMORE ACCESS 12 bit analog and digital I/O installed in T-BOX
RDG-24 T-BOX RDIO24 T-BOX REMOTE ACCESS 24 bit digital I/O board installed in T BOX
RDG-24 NO T-BOX RDIO24 Board only REMOTE ACCESS 24 bit digital I/O (no T BOX)
RIDACS4-S01 RIDACS24-S01 Combination of one RAG128 one AIM-16P-S06 inter-connecting cables and AC-input power supply, all installed in a 4 inch deep NEMA-4 enclosure
RIDACS6-S04 RIDACS602 Combination of one RAG128 one AIM-16P-S06 inter-connecting cables and AC-input power supply, all installed in a 6 inch deep NEMA-4 enclosure
24 digital I/O individually configured in software as inputs or outputs installed in NEMA4 enclosure
ROB-24 RB-24 24 channel electromechanical relay board output card
ROB-24-S01 RBAC-24 24 channel electromechanical relay board output card, 120 VAC power option
ROB-24-S01-S02 RBAC-24/DP 24 channel electromechanical relay board output card, 120 VAC power option, dual Form C contacts (DP/DT relay output terminals)
ROB-24-S02 RB-24/DP 24 channel electromechanical relay board output card, dual Form C contacts (DP/DT relay output terminals)
ROB-8A RB-08A Card, electromechanical Relay Board Output, 8 channel, SPDT
SSH-04 T-BOX SSH-04 4 channel simultaneous sample and hold board installed in T BOX
8 channel simultaneous sample and hold board installed in T BOX
STA-112 UTB Screw Terminal Board, 112 Pin
STA-112 T-BOX UTB-K Screw Terminal Board, 112 Pin, T-Box
STB-37 STB37 DIN rail mountable Screw Terminal Board, 37 pin connector
STB-50 STB50 DIN rail mountable screw Terminal Board, 50 pin, Header type connector
TAD8-16 CAB ML16-TK Screw terminal board for use with AD8-16
USB-422/485 USB-RS422/485 USB to Single port RS-422/485
USB-485 USB-RS485 or USB-RS485-S USB to Single port RS-485
USB-RO-16 USB-16REL (for RoHS) USB, 16 Relay Out, Box, STB
USB-RO-16-OEM USB-16REL (for RoHS) USB, 16 Relay Out, Box, STB
UTBK-50 ADAP50  
WDG-2S WDG-2S 10157-01B ISA, Watchdog Timer with computer monitor functions and dual RS422/485 ports
WDG-CSM WDT500-P ISA, Watchdog Timer,
WDG-CSM1-4 WDT501-P ISA, Watchdog Timer,
WDG-SI0 WDT1000-P ISA, Watchdog Timer board with isolated RS422/485 communications
WDG-SI1 WDT1001-P ISA, Watchdog Timer board with isolated RS422/485 communications and option 1
WDG-SI2 WDT1002-P ISA, Watchdog Timer board with isolated RS422/485 communications and option 2
WDGSI5 WDT1005-P ISA, Watchdog Timer,

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