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Digital Input/Output Card


  • 120 channels of TTL digital I/O lines
  • All I/O lines buffered by tristate transceivers. Outputs sink 24mA and source 15mA
  • Four- and eight-bit groups independently selectable for I/O
  • Pull-up resistors to provide CMOS and contact closure compatibility
  • Cable crosstalk suppression by grounds on all even-numbered conductors
  • 50-pin connector for compatibility with Western Reserve Controls, Opto-22, Gordos, Potter and Brumfield, etc.
  • External interrupts

These are 24-, 72-, and 120-bit half-size, 3/4-size, and full-size cards respectively. A Programmable Peripheral Interface chip, type 8255-5 provides three 8-bit ports (A, B, and C) for each 24-bit group. Each port can be independently programmed for either input or output. Port C can also be configured as two 4-bit ports. These cards fully implement Mode 0 of the 8255 PPI chip. (Consult the factory if you desire to operate in Mode 1.) Type LS245 bi-directional transceivers sink 24 mA (optionally 64 mA) and source 15 mA. These transceiver buffers provide hysteresis correction on inputs and added drive capability on outputs. The direction of the transceivers is set by software.

Input/Output connections to IOD-24 are via a 50-pin connector on the mounting bracket. I/O connections to IOD-72 and IOD-120 are via 50-wire interface cables that extend through rectangular cut-outs in the mounting bracket and plug into headers on the card. Strain relief is provided for these cables. Ready-made displacement type ribbon cables are available from ACCES as p/n CAB50F-xx. (See the Accessories section of this catalog.) Alternate wires are connected to ground to provide shielding and minimize crosstalk.

On models IOD-72 and IOD-120, you can enable/disable the I/O buffers under program control. If this is needed in a 24-bit application, a de-populated version of IOD-72 is available at reduced cost. Also, if only 96-bit operation is needed, there is a jumper on the IOD-120 to set that mode of operation. At each 24-bit port, two of the I/O lines can be used for User Interrupts; one line to enable/disable this function and one for the external interrupt signal. Interrupt levels 2-7 are selected by jumper on IOD-24. Interrupt levels 2-7, 10-12, 14, and 15 can be jumper selected on IOD-72 and IOD-120.

Card I/O bus address selection is by DIP switches on the cards. The address can be anywhere in I/O space. On power-up or reset, all ports are automatically configured as inputs. This prevents spurious outputs. Before use, of course, the PPI should be software configured by writing to its control register. The table on the previous page defines bit assignments at each PPI.


Digital Inputs

  • Logic High: 2.0 to 5.0 VDC
  • Logic Low: -0.5 to 0.8 VDC
  • Input Load (Hi): 20 uA
  • Input Load (Lo): -200 uA

Digital Outputs

  • Logic High: 2.5 VDC min.,source 15 mA
  • Logic Low: 0.5 VDC max., sink 24 mA
    64 milliamperes optional

Power Output

  • 5 VDC from computer bus. 1A fuse included on IOD-24, external fuse recommended if this output is used from IOD-72 and IOD-120.


  • Power Required: 5 VDC at 450 mA typical
  • Size: 13.1 inches Long
  • Operating Temperature Range: 0o to 60 oC
  • Storage Temperature Range: -50o to 120 oC
  • Humidity: 0 to 90% RH, non-condensing

Regulatory Compliance

  • This product is in full compliance with CE requirements.

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