These units each contain eight independent 12-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and amplifiers for voltage outputs and voltage-to-current conversion. The DACs may be updated in a channel-by-channel mode or simultaneously. There are eight channels of voltage output and eight corresponding channels of 4-20mA current output. The output voltage ranges are software selectable. Calibration is performed by software. Factory calibration constants are stored in the EEPROM memory and can be updated by disconnecting the I/O wiring and entering software calibration mode. The units have analog voltage ranges of 0-5V, 0-10V, and ±5V, all at up to 10mA. Model RDAG12-8 is packaged in a NEMA4-compliant enclosure.
Model RDAG12-8H is similar except that each DAC output can drive loads up to 250mA. RDAG12-8H is packaged in a non-sealed "T-Box" steel enclosure.
Both models also have seven digital input/output ports. Each port can be individually programmed to be an input or an output. Digital input ports can accept logic high input voltages up to 50V and are overvoltage protected to 200VDC. Output drivers are open-collector and can comply with voltages up to 50VDC user-supplied voltage. Each output port can sink up to 350mA but total sink current is limited to a cumulative 650mA for the seven bits.